Why choose Trois-Rivières

     Google Translate :   Jordan Bishop

                                   March 1, 2023

     Choosing a place to call home is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. It will play a key role in your career,         financial success, and family life going forward.

It involves a lot of considerations. Some, like making sure your kids get a first-rate education, affordability, cost of living, and overall quality of life.


So, what makes a place as being superior to another for raising a family?

To evaluate the 27 cities, we scored them on the following criteria:


1.   Cost of Living

2.   Maternity and Parental Leave

3.   Childcare Cost

4.   Commute Time

5.   Median Age

6.   Libraries

7.   Quality of Life

8.   Crime Rate

According to Statistics Canada

The country’s large urban centers continue to grow and spread. In recent years, nearly three in four Canadians (73.7%) lived in one of Canada's large urban centers, up from 73.2% five years earlier.

The recent acceleration of population growth in downtowns can be explained by various factors. Higher housing prices may also be a factor, with new home prices up 11.3% year over year nationally in 2021. Higher housing prices have also tempted Canadians to move to suburbs, where larger houses could be available at a lower cost than closer to downtown.

The#1 city, Trois-Rivières   

Trois-Rivières is a city with almost 400 years of history. It has a very rich cultural experience, economic dynamism, low cost and high standard of living, and beautiful outdoors. 

Monthly Cost of Living (Family of 4): CA$ 3,388

Average Commute Time: 18.6 min

Median age: 47.9

Maternity & Parental Benefits: Pregnant employees are entitled to maternity leave without pay for up to 18 consecutive weeks. Parents of a newborn or a newly adopted child are entitled to parental leave without pay of up to 65 weeks. The parental leave is in addition to maternity and paternity leave. An employee is entitled to 5 weeks of continuous paternity leave, without pay, when his child is born. This paternity leave can begin on the week of birth, at the earliest, and may not end later than 78 weeks after the week of birth.

Daycare: CA$ 700 monthly for Preschool (or Kindergarten) Full-Day

Crime Rate:  9.62 Very Low (42% lower than the national rate)

Libraries: 43